
Electronic Contract



Use Electronic Contracts to Improve Business Efficiency: A B2C Agreement in the Beauty Industry

Use Electronic Contracts to Improve Business Efficiency: A B2C Agreement in the Beauty Industry

When you hear the term “electronic contract service”, you might first think of business-to-business (B2B) contracts, but it can be used in many industries, including business-to-consumer (B2C) markets.

In this article, I will discuss the use of consent forms that require signatures involving stores and customers. To do this, I’ll use an example from the beauty industry.

Consent forms that require a signature from the store to the customer

The first time a customer enters an eyelash extension salon, the receptionist always asks them to sign counseling and consent forms before treatment.

The counseling sheet includes the following questions:

  • Have you ever had eyelash extensions before?
    • If yes, have you had any problems?
  • Do you have any allergies?
  • Are you pregnant?
  • Have you had your eyelashes permed?
    • If yes, when was the last time you had your eyelashes permed?

Once the customer has answered these questions, signed the document, and passed the eligibility screening, they are directed to the consent form.

The customer are asked to sign a consent form agreeing and attesting to the following conditions:

  • No retouching of lashes has been applied in the last week.
  • Depending on the condition of your eyelashes, we may refuse to treat you.
  • In the event of a problem, please go to a hospital for treatment and not the store.

After the customer has signed both documents, the salon manager inputs the information into their customer management system (CMS). Then, the original counseling and consent forms are filed and stored.

This system works fine when the business is slow, but it is too inefficient during busy periods. In addition, storing all of those forms indefinitely takes a lot of space.

What happens when you use a electronic contracting service?

By using a electronic contracting service, you can save space by storing documents online. You can also save time by automatically linking the signed agreement in SignTime to the customer’s profile in your CMS.

This saves the salon operators time that they can now use to help more customers. SignTime is a electronic contracting service that is specially designed to be easy to use and easy to implement.

If you’re having trouble storing documents or want to streamline your business, SignTime is the solution for you.

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