Customer Success Stories

Japanese HR management consulting firm simplifies contract management with SignTime.



CEO, Casey Abel

Human resource
Number of Employees
Pain Points
Burdensome to complete、Cost Consumption、Time Consumption、Wants to centrally manage all documents

It took days to complete a paper-based contract.
It took time to find and manage the documents that were signed.
HCCR wanted to improve its work efficiency by digitizing all of their current paper contracts

SignTime eliminates the need to sign and seal paper contracts and allows HCCR to quickly conclude contracts with customers around the world.
The contract lifecycle is now much shorter, allowing HCCR to focus on its main tasks.
Contracts are now stored in a central repository, so they can be managed easily.

HCCR’s standard practices followed the traditional methods found across Japan and the
world: requiring a physical signature (or a hanko seal in their Japanese
Office) on paperwork. This meant employees needed to have physical copies of

This paper-based system was a pressing concern for HCCR because employees and
clients work around the globe, and contractual agreements are the core of
HR-related operations.

Due to COVID-19, HCCR shifted all contract-related administration operations online.
In addition to seeing smoother back-office operations, implementing
e-signatures throughout the business resulted in three key benefits:1. Easier
contract management2. A single contract repository for all signed documents3.
Faster “quote-to-sign” turnaround times

Why SignTime?

HCCR identified e-signatures as a key component of successful telework, which led them to SignTime. The 30-day free trial offered by SignTime gave HCCR the confidence to implement this solution. After a month, the ease of application for the end user was clear. SignTime successfully empowers HCCR’s contract management and distribution, allowing them to better serve their global clientele.

The solution

HCCR identified e-signatures as a key component of successful telework, which led
them to SignTime. The 30-day free trial offered by SignTime gave HCCR the
confidence to implement this solution. After a month, the ease of application
for the end user was clear. SignTime successfully empowers HCCR’s contract
management and distribution, allowing them to better serve their global

“We have found that SignTime’s e-signature platform reduces the time and HR costs of a typical contract engagement by 75%. SignTime is clearly a leader in the digital
transformation of Japan, whether focusing on ease of use for the end user or
balancing the hanko-centric environment of Japan with global best practices.
SignTime is the ideal solution in all of our digital contract processes.”

“Before working with SignTime, our contract management process was disorganized and
extremely analog. However, since implementing the SignTime e-signature solution
we have been able to redesign our contract governance processes to more
effectively and efficiently manage the volume of contracts we must administer.
It has materially helped us to be more efficient.”

SignTime not only provides HCCR with e-signature and contract repository capabilities but
also a host of other related tools. These added features provide great value to
HCCR’s business processes.

“At HCCR, we are heavy users of the categorization and tagging functions, which allow users
to identify the contents and context of a contract. Further, the ability to
leverage SignTime as our secure core contract repository allows us to manage
contracts in a way that was previously impossible.”

The result

Incorporating the SignTime e-signature solution has enabled HCCR to significantly reduce lead times in administering signing processes, improve document governance, and secure deals with stakeholders around the globe in a single easy-to-use platform for all contracts.

The intuitive interface converts Word, Excel, PDF, and other types of documents to contracts so that clients, vendors, and employees can quickly sign agreements wherever they are in the world. This has benefited the business development team in particular by saving administration time so they can focus on their core functions.

In short, the SignTime e-signature solution empowered HCCR to achieve higher levels of efficacy, compliance, and cost-effectiveness throughout all aspects of their business. As a result, the SignTime e-signature solution has been rolled out across all of HCCR Group’s other business units.

“SignTime has been a great solution for us to optimize our contract management operations. We appreciate their strong customer service every time we have a question or issue that needs to be worked through with their team. We are extremely happy with their offerings!”


“Since everything [contract-related] is in SignTime, I never have to worry about finding a document. It’s much easier to manage the massive number of contracts we handle.”
– Ayumi Inoue, Operations Assistant

“Our team members have found SignTime to be very intuitive. The transition from analog to digital went smoothly, and we can’t imagine going back to our old methods.”
– Kumiko Harada, Office Manager

“Getting agreements signed used to take days with our paper-based system and analog processes. Now that we have SignTime, we can deliver and seal contracts with clients in record time.”
– Andrew Holman, Operations Manager

The features

  • Faster document-to-contract process, enabled by superior design
    Upload an existing document, drag and drop the field that the document needs, and hit “send.” It really is that simple. SignTime is compatible with various file types such as Word, Excel, and JPEG.
  • User-friendly interface/functionality for Japanese organizations
    Hanko seal e-signatures and manager approval functions (coming soon) recreate Japanese approval processes within SignTime to provide users with an intuitive experience similar to that of the gemba (physical workplace).
  • Consolidated contract storage space
    SignTime is a cloud-based solution which simplifies document management by centralizing the location of contracts. SignTime is your knowledge hub for all things related to contracts.
  • Pre-programmed processes drive productivity 
    Creating contracts, sending sensitive documents, and reminding stakeholders to ensure business-critical documents and deals are finalized is a breeze with customer-oriented templates and API integration automation.
  • Blockchain security and functionality
    Safeguard your contracts and dealings with SignTime. Internationally acclaimed blockchain technologies secure records of contractual agreements, provide state-of-the-art protection, and expedite international transactions.

Company NameHCCR
Industry Human resource
Company Profile Company Profile|HCCR is an Integrative Talent Solutions firm that solves critical talent issues for businesses.
HCCR brings deep technical expertise to their partnerships with global clients. HCCR performs global strategic talent sourcing and provides clients with organizational strategy, talent marketing, talent acquisition, and employer branding solutions.
Number of Employees Medium
Number of Contracts Used -

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