

Price and application procedures for ScanTime

To all of our valued customers, thank you very much for using SignTime.

We are happy to announce that we have updated SignTime’s prices including ScanTime which was released in December 2022.

※Price table shown below has been updated after our plan revision, effective as of December 4th, 2023

SignTime’s new pricing including ScanTime

ScanTime was built to comply with the Electronic Preservation System for Books and Documents Act and includes unlimited timestamp from a certified agency, as well as online document storage/management.

SignTime’s new pricing: ScanTime Plan (released December 2022)

※As of December 4th, 2023, e-signature documents are no longer available for ScanTime Plan users. Please consider upgrading the our PrimeTime Plan to use both e-signature documents and ScanTime storage.

How to apply for ScanTime

To apply, please contact us from here, and our support team will get back to you shortly.

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